
When A Diagnosis Leads to Destiny 

A diagnosis of Fibromyalgia led me to this amazing journey with Aromatherapy and Essential Oils. Determined that I was not going to take prescription medication, pain medication and anti-inflammatory medication for the rest of my life I began seeing an Integrative Doctor for acupuncture. I am blessed to have a Primary Care Physician whose Practice included a holistic, comprehensive, approach to overall wellness. Through my various treatments, I came to better understand how stress was playing a key role in my pain, not just my physical pain, but emotional pain as well. I knew that I had to become an active participant in managing my pain as well as my overall health if I wanted to have a better quality of life. I began to research essential oils and how they are effective in reducing stress and managing pain. My research led me to further educate myself and further educating myself led me to becoming a Certified Aromatherapist.

In many ways I feel like my diagnosis did not just direct the course of treatment I chose, but I feel that it has pushed me to my purpose. 

My primary focus as an Aromatherapist is to use the healing powers of plants, their extracts, and aromas, to facilitate improvements in physical, mental, and spiritual health. I desire to help my clients have a more balanced and harmonized state of physical and mental well-being.